
Kindu Klub & Playgroup

Learning from the children As part of our commitment to ensuring children are always empowered, and that their views sit at the heart of our work, we recently conducted a child-centred evaluation of our Kindu Klub and Playgroup projects. The Kindu Klub is an after-school club for children from disadvantaged households in Gondar, Amhara. The playgroup …

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Summer 2023 News

Our Summer 2023 Newsletter Our quarterly news with the latest updates from our projects, fundraising and other news. In this quarter’s updates:

Building a Community

Homes for Single Mothers For those living below the poverty line, it can be difficult to break the cycle of low wages spent on basic necessities only. The families that we support through our Student Sponsorship programme are committed to keeping their children in school so that they can access the opportunities that education provides. …

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School Links Update

By Hannah Dillon, School Link Coordinator Lessons in School Linking With schools in the UK and Ethiopia gearing up to open their doors to students again in September, it seems a natural time to reflect on the past academic year and on school linking in particular. At Together We Learn we work with a cluster …

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Conflict in the Amhara Region

Update on the urgent situation A six month state of emergency has been declared in the Amhara region after conflict broke out at the start of August. This is where our Gondar office, hundreds of our sponsored families and many of our educational projects are based.  Areas in which we work, including Gondar, Bahir Dar and Lalibela have …

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An Evening with Elizabeth Laird

An online event to support small charities in Ethiopia Join us on Ethiopian new year to hear from author Elizabeth Laird about her work and Ethiopia travels. This online event is in support of Small But Significant, a network of small UK-Ethiopian charities, of which Together We Learn is a member. Elizabeth Laird is an …

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Chenna School Reconstruction

Rebuilding Classrooms after Conflict Chenna Primary School in Debark was occupied by rebel forces during the conflict in northern Ethiopia in 2021. When they withdrew, five classrooms had been destroyed and the furniture burnt. Our construction project aimed to rebuild the classrooms and restore the facilities, so that children could go back to school and …

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London Event

Come and meet us! We are holding an event for our supporters and those interested in our work to meet with our team, enjoy a taste of Ethiopian culture, and get to know us better. Friday 7th July, 6-8pm Caroline, Elle and Eleanor from our our UK team will be at the event as well …

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Meet Caroline, our UK Director

Together We Learn’s Chief Executive features in Charitable Traveller Magazine Caroline Walker, CEO of Together We Learn, is featured in Charitable Travel magazine’s July issue. The ‘day in the life of’ feature takes you through a typical day for our CEO in the UK office of Together We Learn, including the best bits and the …

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Spring 2023 News

Our Spring 2023 Newsletter Our quarterly news with the latest updates from our projects, fundraising and other news. In this quarter’s updates:

Together We Learn - Ethiopia