Link Ethiopia is now called Together We Learn

Link Ethiopia

is now called

Together We Learn

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Link Ethiopia is now called Together We Learn

School links

Backwell and Angereb’s Shared Curriculum Project on Sustainability gets underway

In 2010, Backwell Secondary in Bristol and Angereb Secondary in Gondar, Ethiopia were awarded funding from the British Council for an innovative shared curriculum project examining water use and sustainability in their two communities. The project started with students introducing themselves through the exchanging ‘global passports’ with information about themselves and their hopes for the …

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Brocklewood’s Fundraising Success

Brocklewood Primary raised an impressive £600 for their partner school, Dagoma Elementary, situated in a rural area of Northern Ethiopia. Pupils at Brocklewood took part in a variety of activities to raise the funds, at the same time building up their skills in various areas of the curriculum. Pupils made friendship bracelets in Ethiopian national …

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Partner School Visits – October 2010

Several UK teachers and a group of sixth formers recently visited their partner schools in Ethiopia. Joy Hardy from Queniborough Primary School and Mike Hill from Wreake Valley Community College spent five days in their partner schools in Bahir Dar, whilst Jonathon Wilcox led a group of 15 students from Halliford School to visit Edeget …

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School Linking – what happens next?

So what do the schools actually get up to in a school link? It’s one thing saying that a school on the vast African continent is partnered with your own in the UK or the US, but there has to be more to it than that. On starting up a school link, the UK/US school …

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School linking

A school link with Link Ethiopia? What’s that all about, then?! When a school wants to widen its focus and get its children looking outwards into the big, wide world, a school link with another country is a great activity to engage in. Instead of focusing only on their own lives and their own communities, …

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Training Opportunities

Explore solutions to climate change, global poverty and biodiversity loss with CAT Education CAT offers day and residential visits with a diverse range of practical and theoretical tuition sessions which can be adapted to meet all educational needs. Students have the opportunity to engage with their energy future, expanding their understanding of energy sources and …

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Latest school link news

Our school links are ever expanding, providing more opportunities for pupils, their teachers and parents in both countries to learn about each others’ cultures and build lasting friendships. We now have over 50 links, covering all ages from nursery to sixth form. There is a large amount of activity taking place across the links, including …

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Together We Learn - Ethiopia