News and updates

Spring 2023 News

Our Spring 2023 Newsletter Our quarterly news with the latest updates from our projects, fundraising and other news. In this quarter’s updates:

Summer 2022 News

Our Summer 2022 Newsletter Our quarterly news with the latest updates from our projects, fundraising and other news. In this quarter’s updates:

Spring 2022 News

Our Spring 2022 Newsletter Our quarterly news with the latest updates from our projects, fundraising and other news. In this quarter’s updates:

Winter Newsletter

Together We Learn’s Winter Newsletter, February 2022 Our latest newsletter is out and available to read here: Although the country’s political situation has been complicated, it has got calmer recently. Together We Learn has now become synonymous with our commitment to helping hundreds of disadvantaged families with children’s educational support, provision of scholastic materials, …

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Autumn Newsletter

Together We Learn’s Autumn Newsletter, November 2021 Our latest newsletter is out and available to read here: This time of year is a busy one for us as children return to school. Our team has been busy distributing uniforms and school materials to children as the new term begins and starting our new school …

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Summer Newsletter

Together We Learn’s Summer Newsletter, August 2021 Our latest newsletter is out and available to read here: It is summer time in Ethiopia and all schools are closed for two months vacation, so students are on a long holiday. School children have collected their report cards and started enjoying their vacation. As rainy season …

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Introducing our Ethiopian Board

Meet the Board supporting our Ethiopian team. As part of our merger, Link Ethiopia and The Kindu Trust registered under the new name of Together We Learn – Ethiopia as a local Ethiopian charity. This status means Together We Learn is able to apply for funding in-country as well as more international funding pots. It …

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Together We Learn and our Diversity, Equality and Inclusion

By Caroline Walker, Chief Executive Last May the death of George Floyd triggered a global reaction. The movement for black lives and anti-racism suddenly gained the attention of many of those who had been complacent up to now. This included the charity sector as a whole, and many conversations have developed out of that tragic …

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Spring Newsletter

Together We Learn’s Spring Newsletter, May 2021 Our latest newsletter is out and available to read here: In Ethiopia children have returned to school for their second semester. Our school projects are progressing well and plans for next years’ projects are underway. As we complete our review of the last financial year, a period where …

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A New Library for Hibret Elementary

This year we collaborated with US organisation Open Hearts Big Dreams to bring a new school library to Gondar town. The library is located in Hibret Elementary School, one of the largest in Gondar, which has 1,070 pupils. Before we began construction the school had only one small room for storing books. The project was …

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Together We Learn - Ethiopia