School links

Kilil Rufael Elementary

This growing school is over an hour’s walk from the nearest town, Azezo, in the north of Ethiopia. Link Ethiopia and the local community recently completed a joint project to build two new classrooms to expand the school to Grade 7. The students completing Grade 6 would previously have either walked to the nearest school …

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Fasiledes Secondary goes online!

We’ve funded the equipment and installation costs necessary to provide an internet and email connection to the Fasiledes Secondary School in Gondar town. We’re also supporting the running costs for the scheme for the first 6 months. Our aim is to roll this level of information access out into other schools in the area. Link …

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Angereb Secondary School teacher visits Backwell School in Bristol

As part of Backwell Secondary and Angereb Secondary’s shared curriculum project on sustainability, Backwell School welcomed Amlaku Negash, an English teacher and the Link Coordinator at Angereb Secondary school in Gondar, Ethiopia. Amlaku spent spent a week at the school, talking to students and teachers about Ethiopia and life at Angereb. Amlaku also visited the …

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New resources and campaigns

Free East Africa Drought Resources from ActionAid – KS2-4 Parts of Southern Ethiopia and Northern Kenya are currently experiencing the fourth year of one of the worst droughts in history. Millions of people are currently relying on food aid to survive. Explore the issues with Action Aid’s free resources and find out what you can …

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Welcome to Gillian Symons, our new Education Officer

In June, Gillian Symons joined our team to take up the brand new position of Education Officer. Gillian brings with her years of experience as a primary teacher as well as experience developing resources for Oxfam, WWF, Think Global and SEED. Gillian will be leading on developing our termly resource packs of assemblies, lesson ideas …

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New Resources and Campaigns

Send My Sister to School Dates: May and June 2011 Join the Global Campaign for Education’s initiative ‘Send My Sister to School’ this summer term. Explore the issues and speak up for girls’ education! 67 million children are out of school: most are girls. Help them to remind world leaders of their promise to provide …

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Reinwood’s Ethiopia Day

Reinwood Primary School, linked with Adama 2 Elementary in Southern Ethiopia, recently held an Ethiopia day. Pupils learnt about clean water issues in Ethiopia and used ICT to design newspaper articles on the subject, reworked a traditional African fable, the Marriage of the Mouse and the Hare, and learnt about the effects of malaria around …

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Teachers from Dr. Challoner’s Grammar School visit Fasiledes Secondary

In February Christopher Savvides and Gareth Cadman visited Fasiledes Secondary School, with whom Dr. Challoner’s Grammar School has been linked for over 15 years. The visit was funded by the Specialist Schools and Academies Trust TIPD visit funding scheme. Chris and Gareth were warmly welcomed by the student Link Club with a traditional coffee ceremony …

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Laneshaw Bridge and Atse Bekafa exchange stories and books of playtime games

Laneshaw Bridge Primary School has been linked with Atse Bekafa Elementary, an urban primary school in Gondar, Ethiopia since 2009. The past year has seen a real growth in their partnership. The two schools initially exchanged drawings about their local environments, allowing children at both schools to see how similar, in many cases, their surroundings …

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Together We Learn - Ethiopia