Child Sponsorship

How vital is education?

Written by Laurence Many of our sponsors’ involvement and commitment to our Sponsorship programme runs over many years, and sees their students through from Elementary School all the way to University. This support is life-changing and epitomises our mission of providing access to quality education for Ethiopian students. Unfortunately, as we all know, life has …

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New beginnings

Today Link Ethiopia would like to give you a glimpse into the lives of 11 year-old Nesanet Deginet and her 8 year-old brother Elias. Together with their parents, they moved to Bishoftu to start a new life at the ages of 5 and 2. When they were younger both of their parents died within one …

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A mother’s love

Link Ethiopia is pleased to introduce you to Samirawit Ketema, a 14 year-old and her mother Fanu Girma. Their story shows the value of dedication, family unity, education and ambition. Samirawit was born to an illiterate mother, her father left the family home several years ago. Her mother knew that education was central to improving …

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Lack of school materials and uniforms is a common reason for children dropping out of school in Ethiopia. Although school uniforms are required, children are not prevented from attending school without a uniform but may be stigmatised and have reduced self confidence causing undue stress. This year, Kindu Trust is providing all beneficiaries with school …

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Dubai sponsorship

Staff and students from the Universal American School, Dubai visit Keta Elementary School with World Challenge Teacher Genna and a group of students from the Universal American School, Dubai, visited Keta Elementary School on a World Challenge project. The visit was a real success and saw the students teaching music and origami, playing and exploring …

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Meeting your sponsored child

If you have wondered about visiting your sponsored child, or would like to discover the country your sponsored child lives in, we can very happily arrange for you to meet your sponsored child, visit their school, and see how your sponsorship is helping. One of our sponsors, Joy, recently did just that. She explains the …

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Sponsorship: Can you help?

Sponsoring a child through Link Ethiopia is simple. It costs just £3 per week (£12 / $25 / 17€ per month) to support the education of your sponsored child and the school which they attend. On average 20% of your sponsorship money is spent on your child’s educational needs and 80% on supporting projects in …

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42 sponsors changing 42 lives

Our Child Sponsorship scheme is the newest of all our activities. In the relatively short period it’s been running we have been thrilled that so many generous individuals and families have come forward to support the most vulnerable children we work with in Ethiopia. These children are almost all without one or both parents. It …

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Tutu’s Fund for the Future

Our thanks go to our great friend and supporter, Tutu Melaku, who is using her business proceeds to sponsor lots of children in Ethiopia. Tutu was born and grew up in Addis Ababa. She was one of a large and happy family, living outside the city in a pleasant house where cooking was a real …

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New Sponsorship Manager in Ethiopia

We are really pleased to announce the appointment of Firew Tilahun as our new Sponsorship Manager in Ethiopia. Firew set up our southern office in Bishoftu (Debre Zeit) about sixteen months ago and has been expertly steering and coordinating our activities within a dozen schools in Addis Ababa, Bishoftu, Adama (Nazret) and Asella since then. …

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Together We Learn - Ethiopia