
Rugby becomes the talk of the Adama town

Written by Haile Ayano The schools in Adama get their first experience of Rugby, thanks to Bhubesi Pride and six coaches from across the world who provided training to the students and teachers. There are 3 Link Ethiopia schools within the Adama region; Nafyad No1 Primary and secondary school, Adama No.2 elementary School and Adama …

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Burton School celebrated World Book Day in style!

Written by Julia Wathen Burton School seized the opportunity to increase awareness of and to raise money for their linked school through World Book Day 2014. Pupils from years 5 & 6 presented a slideshow of the linked school, Djeme Simi Elementary, to the whole school during an assembly. They spoke of the differences between …

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Disability is not Inability – First Phase

Written by Shree Mandke & Julia Wathen In Ethiopia there are an estimated 6.3 million disabled children, but only 60,789 are enrolled in primary or secondary school. Like disabled children all over the world they face barriers and challenges in gaining access to quality education. Often they experience a lack of understanding from the community …

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Partnership IT Project’s First Success

Corvallis is a city in the state of Oregon, United States. The Corvallis-Gondar Sister Cities Association (C-GSA) was created in 2004. Link Ethiopia has been been working with the C-GSA since 2011 in making Tsadiku Yohannes (TY) Elementary School a “model school”. The “model school” vision included making the TY school, the best practice model …

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Brackenbury School Visits Beza School in Bishoftu

Brackenbury Primary School and Beza Primary and Secondary School have been partner schools since February 2012. Through Link Ethiopia the schools have been actively communicating, exchanging letters and strengthening their relationship, which enabled them to receive a grant from the British Council and organise a visit. On February 17th three teachers – the Head Teacher …

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How are we celebrating World Book Day?

Written by Shree Mandke This year, on 6th March, we will be celebrating World Book Day with some reflection and a hint of nostalgia, as we look back at some of the highlights of our work increasing access to books and libraries, and our work to improve literacy. 18 years have flown by. Here’s what we …

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1st day of teaching at the St George’s School!

Written by Shree Mandke Today is a momentous day in Link Ethiopia’s life, as we see St George’s School opening its doors for the first time to local orphan and vulnerable children from Azezo in Gondar, Ethiopia! We started our long, hard journey of building this school back in the summer of 2012, when we were commissioned …

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Azezo Elementary gets a science boost!

Written by Shree Mandke The Azezo Elementary School is situated on an open site beside the road that leads from Gondar, through the village of Azezo. Just over 1,400 pupils from grades 1 to 8 learn in a shift-system where half of the young people attend the school for four hours in the morning and the …

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Tsadiku Yohannes Sanitation improves with the help of child sponsorship!

Partnership can make amazing things happen! This is exactly what happened in Tsadiku Yohannes, an elementary school in Gondar. We have just completed building a brand new sanitation facility with the help of the school and our generous UK sponsors. We are very proud of, and thankful for, everyone’s involvement, but we really want to …

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New Waterstation at Dudmegn

Dudmegn Elementary School has a new waterstation. Access to clean water is a basic human right, and the basis for a healthy life. Northern Ethiopian climate is dry and hot; many of the children at the school walk for more than an hour in the heat and dust. Thanks to the support of the Mandala Trust …

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Together We Learn - Ethiopia