Burton School celebrated World Book Day in style!

Written by Julia Wathen

Burton School seized the opportunity to increase awareness of and to raise money for their linked school through World Book Day 2014.


Pupils from years 5 & 6 presented a slideshow of the linked school, Djeme Simi Elementary, to the whole school during an assembly. They spoke of the differences between the two schools and informed their peers of their communications to the Ethiopian pupils through pen pal letters and other correspondence. The school has been displaying the school link on their photo board in the school entrance for all to see, but Y5 & Y6 are really pleased to share their Linking experience in more depth with their peers.

The school fully embraced the theme of books with both the students & teachers dressing up as their favourite book characters and reading plenty of books. They had a book café providing students with the chance to buy a cake (which were made by the children) & a drink and managed to raise a fantastic £300 for the Djeme Simi Elementary. Having raised money during World Book Day week, Burton teachers wanted their students to be able to relate to the cause and the importance of the funds they raised. Their money will be put to very good use at Dejene Simie, enabling the school to become part of our Libraries and Literacy project!

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Together We Learn - Ethiopia