School links

Queniborough CE Primary School are Expecting Ethiopian Visitors

Queniborough CE Primary School are eagerly awaiting the arrival of school director Ato Mulugeta and teacher Abundeje from Ethiopia to celebrate their school link in an outdoor ‘thanks giving’ assembly next Tuesday 29th May. The assembly will be held under a piece of artwork which was a joint project between the two schools.  Their link …

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Christina’s visit to Ude School, Bishoftu

During these past Easter holidays Christina Lynn, Link Coordinator at Priory School in Lewes, flew to Addis Ababa and drove down to Bishoftu to visit her Link School Ude. She was truly excited and looking forward to finally be in Ethiopia and meet the people she had been working so closely with for the past …

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Ethiopian & UK Sporting Heroes!

As the world looks forward to the 2012 Olympic Games in London in July, this was the perfect opportunity for the students to celebrate some world-beating Ethiopian athletes, and tell their English friends about Ethiopia’s great sporting history. The students worked in groups to describe some of their sporting heroes, profiling seven Ethiopian greats, and …

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New Global Wallplanner for 2012-13 school year available to pre-order

A new Global Wallplanner for the 2012-13 school year will be distributed free in the Times Educational Supplement next Friday 11th May. Go to to find out more, and to pre-order a copy or a bulk supply cost-free (UK addresses only). The planner has been produced with support from UKAid, the British Council and Practical Action. …

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New Global Teachers Award

Perhaps some of you might be interested in this training opportunity? Monday 9th July 2012   9.30am to 5.00pm Institute of Education, London This new national award supports teachers in developing skills, confidence and practical approaches to global learning in their schools, promoting informed, active global citizenship with pupils. To book, click here . For …

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Link Ethiopia has Olympic Fever!

Many schools have already taken part in a shared learning activity inspired by the upcoming London 2012 Olympics. Students in both the UK and Ethiopia told us their personal goals, such as becoming a lawyer or doctor. In secondary schools they also had to choose which Olympic value was most important to achieving that goal, for …

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Hosting a joint Art Exhibition

Kelemework School and Dover Grammar School Host a Joint Art Exhibition Dover Grammar School have been linked with Kelemework School, an urban secondary school in Addis Ababa, since 2008. During this time they have hosted a number of joint art exhibitions. Dover Grammar sent their work to be displayed alongside work by students from Kelemework …

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Teachers from Ossett Academy take part in the Great Ethiopian Run

A huge congratulations to the Link Ethiopia team that took part in the Great Ethiopian Run! Three teachers from Ossett Academy in West Yorkshire were part of a team of people who took part in Link Ethiopia’s fundraising effort – they not only helped raise a huge amount for Link Ethiopia, but also achieved the …

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Queniborough CE Primary visit their Link School!

In October, head teacher Joy Hardy and year 6 teacher Tracey Lidgett from Queniborough CE Primary school embarked on a much anticipated trip to their link school Yekatit 23 Elementary School in Bahr Dir. In between sampling the local food and a spot of sightseeing, Joy and Tracey spent time setting up a new learning …

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Welcome to Tara Sleggs, our new School Links Manager

In September, Tara Sleggs took over from James Love as our School Links Manager, working alongside Sachin Shaa to ensure the linking process runs as smoothly as possible for all involved. Tara is an experienced Geography teacher and more recently spent fifteen months volunteering in Ethiopia with VSO (Voluntary Service Overseas). Her role with VSO …

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Together We Learn - Ethiopia