News and updates

September & October 2010

Welcome to our September & October 2010 news update With the Ethiopian rainy season behind us and the new school year fully in swing, we at Link Ethiopia have been as busy as ever. Several members of our UK team are currently in Ethiopia, working alongside our Ethiopian team on projects, school activities and supporting …

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Gondar schools get an exciting new shipment

Technology is becoming increasingly important in Ethiopian schools. The job market is starting to require applicants to have at least a basic level of computer literacy, but most schools are currently without the necessary technology and teaching experience. To help meet this growing need for computers, Link Ethiopia has organised several shipments of computers to …

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July & August 2010

Welcome to our July & August 2010 news update Summer’s greetings to you all and we hope that you will not mind our bi-monthly News Update popping into your Inbox once again. Schools are out, in both countries, and the teachers and pupils have some space not only to recharge the batteries and refresh the …

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New projects website being developed

It’s been a long time in the making, but thanks to the tireless efforts of our web-genius Ali Lown we are closer than ever to launching the new projects section of our Link Ethiopia website. On the website you will be able to browse through many of our past and current projects, read news updates, …

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Computer and furniture shipment has arrived!

Quite some time ago we started planning for a large shipment of computers and classroom furniture to send to Ethiopia. Various donors, but in particular Halliford School, Pate’s Grammar School, Dr Challoner’s Grammar School and Queniborough Primary School have enabled this shipment to happen, alongside our partner charities, Digital Links and School Aid. Now, after …

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May & June 2010

Welcome to our May & June 2010 news update A warm hello from our ever-growing team here at Link Ethiopia! And so another school year is coming to a close, a year when our school linking programme is stretching ever further afield with no let-up in the energy and enthusiasm of its team of workers. …

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March & April 2010

Welcome to our March & April 2010 news update With members of the UK Link Ethiopia team about to depart for Ethiopia in a few days time, here is our March/April News Update. Again we are using our new email format which we hope is an improvement for you. Don’t forget the new Quiz and …

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New toilets for Edeget Feleg Secondary

Edeget Feleg Secondary school in the centre of Gondar town provides Grade 9 and 10 education to 2,900 pupils. Their toilet facilities are basic, old and damaged. We are currently working with the school to fund a new toilet block made of solid blocks which will last well into the future – the new toilet …

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November & December 2009

Greetings from Link Ethiopia Welcome to the last Link Ethiopia news update for 2009! This is a good opportunity for us to tell you about our alternative gift website, Gift Ethiopia, which is full of fun and unusual present ideas, ideal for friends and family this Christmas. All the gifts are needed by the children, schools and …

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September & October 2009

Welcome to our September & October 2009 news update Another school term and another school year ….  and I am sure it will be another adventurous year for all of our Link Ethiopia projects. It is certainly our intention to make it the most successful year yet – a year in which we involve more and …

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Together We Learn - Ethiopia