New projects website being developed

It’s been a long time in the making, but thanks to the tireless efforts of our web-genius Ali Lown we are closer than ever to launching the new projects section of our Link Ethiopia website.

On the website you will be able to browse through many of our past and current projects, read news updates, look through photos, find out how much the projects have/will cost and how much has been raised so far, see where the projects are on a map, and get an understanding of what our beneficiary schools are like through various statistics and snippets of information. You will be able to see all our projects on one map, or browse them by school, category or by their completion status. As well as all of this, if you want to stay up-to-date with the news of any particular projects you can register your email address on the website and we will let you know when new updates are added.

Exciting stuff. We will let you know when it’s all live!

Together We Learn - Ethiopia