
Bahir Dar

Bahir Dar is one of the most visited towns in Ethiopia. Nothing more than a sleepy waterside village (its name means “Sea Shore”) in the early part of the twentieth century, it later came to the notice of Emperor Haile Selassie because of its stunning position on the southern banks of Lake Tana and its …

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More countries are recognising Ethiopia’s coffee specialities. The Ethiopian Intellectual Property Office (EIPO) says four of Ethiopia’s coffee specialities have been registered in 26 countries as a trademark. The European Union, Japan, US, Canada and China are among those that recognise Ethiopian coffee specialities, which include Sidamo, Yirgachefe and another two Harar coffees. India has …

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Ethiopia has, at this moment, only one railway, stretching from Lagare in Addis Ababa to Djibouti. But this has fallen into disuse in recent years and the Ethiopian Government is very much considering the building of new railways in order to improve the country’s transportation infrastructure. Civil engineering and design work is being undertaken to …

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Africa’s lone wolf: New species found in Ethiopia

Genetic evidence shows that ‘Egyptian jackal’ isn’t really a jackal at all. During a field expedition to Ethiopia, a team of scientists noticed something odd: The golden jackals there looked more slender with a whiter coat than they do elsewhere. Now, genetic analyses suggest these oddities are not jackals at all but instead more closely …

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Timkat celebrations

This is certainly the greatest festival in the Ethiopian calendar and this year the Gondar authorities added to the celebrations by launching the first Carnival in Ethiopia alongside the more traditional festivities. Here is an edited extract from the website which tells about Timkat in Gondar. “Gondar, one of Ethiopia’s largest cities, springs to …

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Long-distance running

Just what is there about the Ethiopian long-distance runners that makes them so successful in world competition? Hardly a month goes by without yet more successes being announced for Ethiopia’s amazing athletes. The Miami marathon Tesfaye Sendeku Alemayehu’s gap-toothed grin grew wider by the second. After all, the 5-8, 123-pound Ethiopian had a lot to …

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An item of business news which Link Ethiopia staff noticed in the last few days is that a consignment of 16,000 day-old chicks are to be sent from India to Ethiopia as part of a programme to introduce and breed superior quality poultry in the African nation. The consignment from a Gurgaon-based poultry breeding company, …

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It has just been announced that France Telecom SA has started a two-year contract to manage Ethiopia’s state-owned Ethio Telecom, Communications and Information Technology. The Paris-based company will manage the utility, accounting systems will be modernised and new services introduced, also helping to boost the basic services at present in place and strengthen the infrastructure. …

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Railway expansion

From eTurboNews: “The Ethiopian government has released information about plans to construct a major new rail network across the country. In the process, links to neighbouring countries are being prepared sooner rather than later. “The Ethiopian Railway Corporation will be tasked to develop the new infrastructure, which will link remote parts of Ethiopia with the …

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At the end of September, Addis Ababa, “new flower”, lived up to its name: fresh daisies lined the streets, strewn in piles in markets, heaped on to minibuses, gathered in bundles on the backs of white-robed women. The occasion was Meskel, a festival named for this flower and for the cross, both of which feature …

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Together We Learn - Ethiopia