
Link Ethiopia gains first prize!

Written by Elsa Celebrations for Link Ethiopia after we scooped 1st prize at an award ceremony last week. The annual event, organised by Gondar City Administration, and which is held at the Gondar Cinema Hall, recognises the hard work of non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and individuals who support educational projects in the region. Out of eight …

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Gelada Monkeys – Exclusive to Ethiopia!

The Gelada old-world monkey is endemic to Ethiopia and only found in the highlands, with large populations residing in the Simien Mountains, in the North. The Gelada’s have adapted to the cooler climate; with their thick coats these rugged mountaineers are protected from the cold. Interestingly they’re the only monkeys on Earth that survive on …

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Two Weeks in Bishoftu: An insight into Ben’s Ethiopian experience

Written by Ben Robinson Arriving in Ethiopia, the senses are most definitely overwhelmed. Little sleep on the flight, mainly due to lights going off at 2am and back on at 4am UK time on the flight definitely contributes, being surrounded by an alien language doesn’t help, the natural disorientation of somewhere new, and coming to …

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Melkam Fasika for all — Happy Easter Everyone

Written by Julia Wathen Fasika (the Amharic word for Easter) follows the Eastern Orthodox calendar and tends to fall after Easter in the Western calendar. However this year both calendars have aligned and so Easter falls on the same date as the Orthodox and Latin/Protestant celebrations – April 20th 2014. In Ethiopia, Fasika is considered …

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Five Things I Learnt in Ethiopia

Having worked as a finance manager at Link Ethiopia for 18 months, I was finally on my way to Ethiopia – from spreadsheets to reality. As a hard bitten traveller (ahem), a putative Masters graduate in Development Management and a Link Ethiopia veteran, you may have expected that I knew what I was letting myself …

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Ghion Gets Broadband!

Ghion Secondary school now has broadband! In 2012, Link Coordinator of Wreake Valley Community College, Mike Hill, donated roughly £500 (of his own money!) to Ghion secondary school in Bahir Dar to help towards enabling Ghion teachers and students to benefit from accessing the Internet. Unfortunately, we later realised that there was no Fibre Optic cable line …

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Addis Makes Lonely Planet’s Top 10 Cities for 2013!

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia’s wonderful capital city, has made it into the annual Lonely Planet Guide’s Top 10 Cities in the World list for the first time! As the diplomatic capital of Africa, and one of the continents, not to mention the world’s, most exciting and thriving metropolis’, Addis is a natural choice for the list. And for …

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Tablets Enable Learning in Ethiopian Villages

The One Laptop Per Child organisation recently tried an experiment, where they dropped off a number of tablet PCs in two remote Ethiopian villages. The aim was to see if children with no previous experience of the written word and literacy, and in an area far from any schools and teachers, could begin to teach …

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Together We Learn - Ethiopia