
Brackenbury Christmas Fair

Written by David Fricker from Brackenbury School School fairs are an excellent opportunity to raise the profile of global links and keep the school community fully informed. At Brackenbury Primary School in London, the school’s Link Ethiopia Club holds a stall to promote the school’s link with Besebarok School in Ethiopia. Each year, the school …

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Gondar in a Day

Written by Rory & Hannah It is a time-worn cliché that you never visit the famous sights of the place where you live, focussing instead on the day-to-day necessities of life and saving the money to visit famous sights in far-flung places. Of course we are in Ethiopia so this does not quite apply, but …

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Touching Down in Gondar

Written by Hannah Dillon It was with great anticipation that we arrived in Gondar, our base for the coming months and a historical city located in Ethiopia’s Northern highlands. Apart from the extensive castle complex, the main things we had heard about before arriving were the excellent fish and chips at AG Hotel (from Matt …

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Rushmere Hall Primary School visit partners Times Choice Academy

Written by Tsegaye Alemneh Michelle and Hannah are teachers from Rushmere Hall Primary School. They had the opportunity to visit their partner school, Times Choice Academy, for the second time last week. On their first day visiting their Link Partners, the Link Club students welcomed them by playing different children’s games and singing songs. They …

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Two days in Tokuma

Written by Rory Dillon I think Tokuma school is located in one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen. As we chugged up the hill in our Toyota 4X4 (which our driver swore was less than ten years old but looked like it was older than me) from Ambo to Dadagelan, the horizon opened …

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Harvest 2014 at Tannery Drift

Written by Laurence Tannery Drift Primary School decided to link their Harvest Festival enrichment activities and learning to their School Link with Selam Elementary in Enfraz, Northern Ethiopia. Harvest time is a fantastic opportunity to link food and other development challenges in Ethiopia to those faced by communities in the UK (e.g. people relying on …

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The Great Ethiopian Run Experience

Written by Lynn Combes, teacher at Sincil Sports College “Sincil Sports College have been part of the Link Ethiopia School Linking programme for nearly three years now. In November 2012 I was able to visit our Link school in Bishoftu with a colleague; we were encouraged by our Headteacher to take on this experience after …

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Teaching in an Ethiopian School

Written by Lauren Eliot “I’ve recently returned from a five week volunteering placement with Link Ethiopia, based in Gondar, teaching Grade 11 students at Fasiledes Preparatory School, just outside of town. Before embarking on my journey to Ethiopia, I was anxious and unsure of what to expect from this enigmatic country, but now I can …

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My Link Ethiopia Summer Internship

An Investigation into the Barriers to Female Education in Link Ethiopia Schools Written by Emily Gretland “Roughly two months ago, with a 20 hour journey ahead, the time had finally come to travel to the Link Ethiopia offices in Gondar to undertake a study and produce a collaborative report on barriers to female education in …

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A Day in Addis

Written by Ben Robinson Many volunteers are able to spend just one day in Addis at the beginning or end of their stay in Ethiopia. Here Ben, a previous volunteer, outlines his recommendations of where to eat and what do with that day. One option in Addis is to stay at Leya Hotel, and these …

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Together We Learn - Ethiopia