
Our Annual Report for 2012-2013

Link Ethiopia’s Annual Report for 2012-2013 was published last month and we are really pleased to share it with you. We saw a year of continued growth, with our overall income increasing by 38% and with an increase in the number of schools and young people we were able to support. Thanks to the generosity …

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Why Girls’ Education

Recent research suggests that across the world, for every eight years of education given to a boy, a girl receives seven . This is a vast improvement on previous findings and has led to suggestions that the focus of development organisations should now begin to shift away from access to education and towards freedom from …

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Researching Girls’ Education

Having researched general reasons for high female drop-out rates, we needed a method of delivering a questionnaire that would allow us to achieve at least two things.  Firstly, easily collect a large sample of girls’ responses and secondly, have them answer honestly without fear of being embarrassed or punished for any of their responses, particularly …

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Training provides a helping hand to PE teachers in Bishoftu

A training course organised and sponsored by Link Ethiopia aids local PE teachers to consider new approaches and ideas when teaching the subject. The training was attended by 11 PE teachers from a variety of schools in the Bishoftu regions and incorporated theoretical and practical activities to help enhance PE lessons.  Topics that were covered …

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A word from Habtamu…

Written by Habtamu Dereje One of our Ethiopian staff members, Habtamu – Sponsorship Manager in Bishoftu – wanted to highlight the case of one of the sponsored children whose education is supported by the Link Ethiopia Sponsorship Scheme. Case study: Tejitu “Tejitu is a 17 year-old Ethiopian who was born and still resides in Bishoftu. …

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New beginnings

Today Link Ethiopia would like to give you a glimpse into the lives of 11 year-old Nesanet Deginet and her 8 year-old brother Elias. Together with their parents, they moved to Bishoftu to start a new life at the ages of 5 and 2. When they were younger both of their parents died within one …

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‘Bring and Buy’ fundraiser raises £250 for Girls’ Education

New Year brings new hope and this year at Link Ethiopia we are focussing our fundraising efforts on our Girls’ Education Project ‘Tomorrow’s Hope’. Things have got off to a great start with a ‘bring and buy’ sale organised by our long-term supporter, Karen Marono from Italy. Karen hosted a buffet and friends were asked …

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Alastair’s Trip – Making sure we make a difference

I’m nearing the conclusion of a stint with Link Ethiopia just shy of 3 months.  I’ve been very kindly sponsored by Integrate Hands, [singlepic id=503 w=320 h=240 float=right] a small post-conflict charity founded and run by Katinka Nicou. I’ve spent the majority of my time here sleeping, or involved in two long term projects, both education-based, …

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Addis Alem students enjoy the gift of water!

Addis Alem is one of the oldest school in Gondar, serving 655 children from very poor families living in Kebele 03. There used to be only 1 water tap for the entire school (children and staff) which used to get quite crowded during break time. However, thanks to funds from COFRA (a Switzerland based charitable …

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Library And Literacy Project – Following up

In addition to the Sounds of English training, given by Sue in Gonder, and myself in Bishoftu, earlier this term, the librarian, director (headteacher) and a few teachers form each Library and Literacy Project school were given library training by SEDFA’s Mark Smith. This was a two day course that sought to make the best …

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Together We Learn - Ethiopia