‘Bring and Buy’ fundraiser raises £250 for Girls’ Education

New Year brings new hope and this year at Link Ethiopia we are focussing our fundraising efforts on our Girls’ Education Project ‘Tomorrow’s Hope’. Things have got off to a great start with a ‘bring and buy’ sale organised by our long-term supporter, Karen Marono from Italy. Karen hosted a buffet and friends were asked them to bring things from home which they don’t use/don’t particularly like (unwanted gifts, books, DVDs, unworn clothes, kitchen items, etc) and then auctioned them off amongst themselves.


The event was extremely successful and raised £250 for the project. According to Karen ‘the fundraiser was relatively straightforward to organise and great for recycling and everyone was particularly pleased with their purchases because they knew the proceeds were going to a good cause.’ Let us know if you are interested in doing your own fundraiser – a ‘bring and buy’ sale might be a great opportunity for unwanted Christmas presents to find a better home! Here at Link Ethiopia we extend our warmest thanks to Karen and her friends for kick-starting our ‘Tomorrow’s Hope’ fundraising as we work towards our overall target of the £64,000 required to support 320 girls through 3 years of education who otherwise would be forced to drop out.

Christmas Party

Inspired by this on the 19th December we turned our Annual Christmas Social (photo above) into a fundraiser and generous donations from friends and supporters meant that in total we raised another £460 for ‘Tomorrow’s Hope’. It was great to see so many familiar faces and regular supporters and to raise some money at the same time. Tell us what you are doing for ‘Tomorrow’s Hope’ and we won’t be far off our target.

Together We Learn - Ethiopia