
Dosha Elementary School water and furniture

Back in October we introduced you to Dosha, an elementary school in Asella, a few hours drive south of Addis Ababa. At that time we were fundraising to provide the 1,100 children at the school with a clean drinking water supply and new desks in their classrooms. Well, we are pleased to bring you news …

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New projects website being developed

It’s been a long time in the making, but thanks to the tireless efforts of our web-genius Ali Lown we are closer than ever to launching the new projects section of our Link Ethiopia website. On the website you will be able to browse through many of our past and current projects, read news updates, …

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Ethiopia is beginning to welcome a much greater number of tourists these days, all keen to appreciate the wonders of this characterful land. And one thing that they always ask is – what drinks are available? In this international world of ours, we are hardly going to surprise you if we say that certain bottled …

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Computer and furniture shipment has arrived!

Quite some time ago we started planning for a large shipment of computers and classroom furniture to send to Ethiopia. Various donors, but in particular Halliford School, Pate’s Grammar School, Dr Challoner’s Grammar School and Queniborough Primary School have enabled this shipment to happen, alongside our partner charities, Digital Links and School Aid. Now, after …

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School Linking – what happens next?

So what do the schools actually get up to in a school link? It’s one thing saying that a school on the vast African continent is partnered with your own in the UK or the US, but there has to be more to it than that. On starting up a school link, the UK/US school …

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Earliest Christian book

The world’s earliest illustrated Christian book has been saved by a British charity which located it at a remote Ethiopian monastery. The incredible Garima Gospels are named after a monk who arrived in the African country in the fifth century and is said to have copied them out in just one day. Beautifully illustrated, the …

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School linking

A school link with Link Ethiopia? What’s that all about, then?! When a school wants to widen its focus and get its children looking outwards into the big, wide world, a school link with another country is a great activity to engage in. Instead of focusing only on their own lives and their own communities, …

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International Short Films Festival and “When China met Africa”

Two pieces of news from the film world came to our notice recently. One was the reporting of the first International Short Films Festival that took place in Addis Ababa, the first of its kind to be staged in East Africa. And the second, to which we would like to bring everyone’s notice, is that …

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May & June 2010

Welcome to our May & June 2010 news update A warm hello from our ever-growing team here at Link Ethiopia! And so another school year is coming to a close, a year when our school linking programme is stretching ever further afield with no let-up in the energy and enthusiasm of its team of workers. …

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Lake Tana

In the north of Ethiopia, high on the plateau at nearly 1800 metres above sea-level, lies the wondrous Lake Tana, source of the Blue Nile, site of a number of ancient island monasteries and home to numerous varieties of exotic bird- and plant-life, as well as crocodiles and hippopotamuses in plenty. This huge lake, visible …

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Together We Learn - Ethiopia