
Join us in the Great Ethiopian Run 2013!

On Sunday 24th November this year, tens of thousands of runners will take to the roads of Addis Ababa again for the greatest African road race. Last year saw over 36,000 people take part, including both elite runners and fun runners from around the world, and this year is expected to be even bigger…and noisier! …

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Hilden Charitable Fund Scores Again!

Hello again from the Projects and Fundraising Team here at Link Ethiopia! Last year, in ‘Sowing the seeds for future Ethiopian Olympians’ we told you about the fantastic partnership between The Hilden Charitable Trust Fund and Link Ethiopia – aiming to improve schools and pupils’ educational performance through sport. The Hilden Trust funded the successful Sports …

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Join us for the Great Ethiopian Run 2013!

On Sunday 24th November this year, tens of thousands of runners will take to the roads of Addis Ababa again for the greatest African road race. Last year saw over 36,000 people take part, including both elite runners and fun runners from around the world, and this year is expected to be even bigger…and noisier! …

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Great Ethiopian Run 2012

On the 25th of November 2012, over 36,000 people from across the world took part in the largest road race in Africa, the Great Ethiopian Run. This annual event, now in its 12th year, has grown year-on-year to its current stature; this year more people took part than in the 2012 London Marathon! Quite a …

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Woodfield Middle School – Sports Fundraising Experience

In May, Woodfield Middle School, one of our linked schools, in Worcestershire, organised a fundraising event for the whole school – their first ‘Charity Afternoon’. Every year group took part, each one pledging to support a different charity, and deciding themselves on the activity they were going to do to raise money. Year Seven kindly …

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Sowing the seeds for future Ethiopian Olympians

Link Ethiopia’s Gondar office celebrated the successful completion of its Sports and Community Programme, funded by the Hilden Charitable Trust, on 2nd June 2012 in Gondar. The project was implemented in partnership with the Gondar Sports Commission and benefitted 46 ambitious youngsters from seven schools in Gondar. A week of training was provided to the …

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Ethiopian Athletes in the Press

‘When Eddie met Haile’ Our own marathon enthusiast Eddie Izzard meets Ethiopian four-time world champion Haile Gebrselassie for a training session. The two compare techniques and training regimes while Eddie tries his hand at a spot of barefoot running! ‘Town of Runners’ article Off the back of the film ‘Town of Runners’ – …

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Town of Runners

To get you inspired for the Great Ethiopian Run, check out the feature length documentary ‘Town of Runners’, released in selected cinemas across the country from Friday April 20th. The film is about the runners from Bejoki, a highland town in Ethiopia that has produced some of the world’s greatest distance athletes, including Tirunesh Dibaba, …

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Link Ethiopia has Olympic Fever!

Many schools have already taken part in a shared learning activity inspired by the upcoming London 2012 Olympics. Students in both the UK and Ethiopia told us their personal goals, such as becoming a lawyer or doctor. In secondary schools they also had to choose which Olympic value was most important to achieving that goal, for …

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Sports work in Gondar

Our thanks go to Klaus Blessing and Marcus Scherer who recently worked with Link Ethiopia to construct robust sports equipment for schools in the Gondar region of Ethiopia. Our work with Klaus began in 2009 when he visited Ethiopia and saw the lack of sporting equipment for himself. We agreed to work together to try …

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Together We Learn - Ethiopia