School resources

Electricity, Water & Classrooms for the Andinet Elementary School

This summer Andinet Elementary School has had a well needed refurbishment, with the help of Girlguiding North East whose hard work has improved the quality of education for the 325 children who attend the school. It was established in 1974 and until recently was severely run down. 8 of the 13 classrooms were made from …

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Solar Powered at Tokumma School!

Tokumma Elementary School is located in West Shoa zone of Oromia Regional State in Ethiopia. The school’s catchment area is about 35 km2 with a population of about 3,000. The source of income in the area is largely traditional farming and animal rearing. The area does not have proper modern infrastructure including road, electricity, potable water and health facility. …

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Dagoma Elementary Get Their Books!

Welcome to the Link Ethiopia Projects Blog! We are really excited here at Link Ethiopia to be able to tell you about a recent project that was completed at Dagoma Elementary School, located on the outskirts of the small farming village and community of Dagoma. Over 1,700 pupils attend the school, which has only 16 classrooms. A lack of finances …

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Your Weekly Update: Libraries & Literacy

  Literacy & Libraries We hope to see more and more of this across our Ethiopian Link Schools! I’d like to welcome you all to this Weekly Update from the Link Ethiopia School Links team! We’re taking a good look at our latest major project – our Literacy and Libraries project, funded in part by …

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After the Shipment: Tana Haik IT Centre

Following Link Ethiopia’s shipment of computer equipment to Ethiopia in July 2010, we are really pleased to see that the IT centre set up with the donated equipment is proving very popular! The growing demand for IT skills in Ethiopia’s job market means that getting access to computers, the internet and other ICT means that …

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Donkey becomes a vehicle of knowledge!

A generous donation from one of our long-term supporters has helped us start up a new donkey library in Dembia Zuria, south of Gondar town. The donkey and the librarian are taking books to 6 rural satellite schools, reaching more than 4,000 children.

Books in the post

The Kindu Trust places  a high value on the education of its beneficiaries, as a result the charity offers supplementary education to the children at the Kindu Klub. Here the children can attend extra classes in English, Maths and Science. This can help a child get a head start that may not have been possible in …

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Lack of school materials and uniforms is a common reason for children dropping out of school in Ethiopia. Although school uniforms are required, children are not prevented from attending school without a uniform but may be stigmatised and have reduced self confidence causing undue stress. This year, Kindu Trust is providing all beneficiaries with school …

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Furniture project at Kebele 16

We are embarking on a large project in this elementary school on the outskirts of Gondar in northern Ethiopia. As well as building much needed classrooms we will be funding sturdy desk and chair units for five new and existing classrooms. This will mean students will be able to study and learn in a much …

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New library at Fasiledes Secondary School

The Fasiledes Secondary School caters for about 3,200 students in the town of Gondar, northern Ethiopia. Until recently the school library consisted of a small collection of books in the corner of an old and dangerously unstable building (due to site subsidence). We worked with the local community to jointly fund a new library building …

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Together We Learn - Ethiopia