
Impington Village College – Our Fantastic Fundraisers

At Link Ethiopia we are lucky enough to have some truly dedicated and energetic fundraisers who make everything possible. In this blog we thought we would turn the spotlight on the fundraisers and let them tell you what they’re up to and why they raise money for Link Ethiopia. Students at Impington Village College in Cambridgeshire …

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Ethiopia and Islam – a colourful (brief) history

Written by Cecilia For Muslims Ethiopia has historically been the land of freedom from persecution and emancipation from fear. Ethiopia is considered “the heaven of the first migration or Hijra”. In 622 CE, some of the Prophet Muhammad’s followers, given the persecution they were subjected to in the city of Mecca, undertook their migration or …

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It takes a village to raise a reader!

Written by Cecilia Within the annual International Literacy Day promoted by UNESCO, literacy has always been celebrated as an empowerment tool, a means to reach the main pillars of sustainable development: economic development, social development and environmental protection. Knowledge is power and education empowers to the extent that it enables people to determine their own …

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Beza to Brackenbury

Written by David Fricker, Brackenbury Link Coordinator Another exciting chapter in the Brackenbury-Beza partnership, the visit by the Head and Link Coordinator from Beza to Brackenbury, took place this month! With the partnership established in 2012, Brackenbury Primary School and Beza (Besebarok) Primary and Secondary School have now completed two reciprocal visits, funding by the …

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The regional Reading Bees

by Hannah Dillon To continue with the success of Libraries and Literacy project, we can focus on a big event in the Link Ethiopia calendar: the regional Reading Bees. The idea was to emphasise the fun side of reading, to reward hard-working students and to make sure the project finished with a bang. There were four …

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Success of Libraries and Literacy project

by Hannah Dillon 125 teachers and 46 librarians trained, 736 individual reading tests carried out, hundreds of school visits completed and 31 library certificates awarded. Phew! All this can only mean one thing: this month we are celebrating the successful completion of the second year of our Libraries and Literacy project. The project, which this …

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A Child Sponsorship Room in Bishoftu

Written by Mathilde & Mike Link Ethiopia has just finished a project of a Child Sponsorship Room at the office in Bishoftu. Already in the mind of the team, this project was made possible by the hard work and dedication of a couple of long-term Bishoftu-based volunteers. Over the past few months Cara and Mike painted and organized …

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World Challenge Projects Summer 2014

By Hannah Dillon and Tefera Teklu Link Ethiopia’s partnership with World Challenge has cemented with another fruitful year that saw a flurry of construction and painting activities. Cheers to every group of young people who did their part in making sure that access to better education in Ethiopia is fair to all, especially to girls …

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Tackling the challenge of Child Labour head on

Written by Cecilia The World Day against Child Labour was established by the UN in 2002 to raise awareness and encourage actions about a current global issue: more than 168 million children between the age of 5 and 17 are involved in child labour. What are the causes and the consequences of this sad state of …

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What can learning phonics do for 3 shy sponsored children?

Written by Mathilde The short answer is – quite a lot! Read on for the slightly longer answer. Link Ethiopia sponsorship programme is in place to support children who face greater hurdles when accessing education than their peers. These barriers are often simple; not being able to afford a school uniform or the basic resources necessary to complete …

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Together We Learn - Ethiopia