
The International School Award

Your school linking activities already put you in a great position The British Council support schools engaged in Global Learning in a variety of ways – from their Connecting Classrooms grant, to their Professional Development courses. The International School Award, a three-level accreditation, is designed with a framework intended to “help you to record and …

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Your Weekly Update: Libraries & Literacy

  Literacy & Libraries We hope to see more and more of this across our Ethiopian Link Schools! I’d like to welcome you all to this Weekly Update from the Link Ethiopia School Links team! We’re taking a good look at our latest major project – our Literacy and Libraries project, funded in part by …

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Farmor’s School Visit to the Bahir Dar Zuria Academy

Teachers from the Farmor’s School, Link Coordinator Karen & her colleague Sarah, had been so excited to finally be able to visit their link school in the Bahir Dar region. Through making use of the Connecting Classroom’s Grant, offered by the British Council, this was to become a reality. Despite having pre-trip nerves and being …

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Linton Park Visit to Enfraz Elementary

After not venturing outside Europe for 50 years, Cindy, the Link Coordinator at Linton Park Primary School in Kent, alongside her colleague Nigel, had the opportunity to finally visit her link’s school, Enfraz Elementary in Gondar Zuria and to visit the northern part of the beautiful country of Ethiopia. This was made possible through our …

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Schools Weekly Update Archive!

We wanted to show off the archives of our brilliant weekly School Updates, which cover a range of fun and informative topics! They’re designed to enrich the linking experiences of our UK and international Link Schools and provide them with a regular means of communication with the Link Ethiopia team! We wanted to share our …

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Join us for the Great Ethiopian Run 2013!

On Sunday 24th November this year, tens of thousands of runners will take to the roads of Addis Ababa again for the greatest African road race. Last year saw over 36,000 people take part, including both elite runners and fun runners from around the world, and this year is expected to be even bigger…and noisier! …

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World Book Day!

Today, March 7th, is World Book Day. A day in which books – even bad books – are celebrated throughout the world. It remains our mission to educate as many children in Ethiopia as we possibly can and so we must remember the importance of reading in its ability to teach; but also in its …

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Link Ethiopia update – February 2013

Our Annual Report for 2011-2012 Welcome to Link Ethiopia’s February 2013 News Update! Our Annual Report for 2011-2012 was recently published and we are really pleased to share it with you in this update. You’ll find a few highlights below and much more information on our website. Also this month we are advertising for architects …

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Our Annual Report for 2011-2012

Link Ethiopia’s Annual Report for 2011-2012 was recently published and we are really pleased to share it with you. During the year we made great strides forward in our work. We undertook a growing range of activities, from delivering improved facilities, resources and teaching to more Ethiopian schools and pupils, to enabling students in different …

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Architects and engineers wanted!

Are you someone with architecture or engineering experience, looking to get involved in international development work? Or do you know someone who is? We are advertising a self-funded placement in Ethiopia to work with us to re-imagine and design our school infrastructure projects. The successful candidate would also get experience working on ‘live’ projects that …

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Together We Learn - Ethiopia