Rory Dillon

Teaching English Effectively – 2022 Phonics Update

Why use phonics? Teaching English using phonics teaches children to read by recognising the sounds that makeup words instead of memorising whole words or learning letter names. For example, cat has three sounds ‘c’ ‘a’ and ’t’ and chair has two sounds ‘ch’ and ‘air’. This method is now part of the national curriculum in …

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Training teachers in the sounds of English

What is phonics? Together We Learn has been partnering with Jolly Phonics to train Ethiopian teachers to use the phonics method of teaching English. Instead of memorising words, children are taught the 42 sounds of English, which include the 26 alphabet sounds plus sounds such as ‘ch’ ‘sh’ ‘ee’ and ‘ay’. Teaching children these sounds …

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How can we stop girls dropping out of school?

One of the supported girls with her mother in the family home This year we have been increasing our focus on girls’ education. We know that each extra year of education can have a huge impact on a woman’s life in Ethiopia: increasing the amount she can earn and the amount of control she has …

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Headington school’s group trip to Ethiopia

By Rachel Bowen. This year’s trip to Ethiopia began with a three-hour drive to Assela to the South of Addis Ababa where girls and staff met children and teachers from the Elementary School where they would be working for the project phase of the trip. The girls were overwhelmed by the welcome reception of singing, …

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Visiting my sponsored child

By Bernadette Dillon. Eyerus and Hana in their school uniform I was out in Gondar to visit Link Ethiopia’s Donkey Library project which my Rotary Club, Weighton Wolds had helped to fund for a year. Whilst I was there I had the opportunity to visit a child I sponsor – Eyerus. I jumped at the …

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Flying the Flag – art exhibition in Gondar

As part of our 20th anniversary, Link Ethiopia has planned a series of events in UK and Ethiopian schools celebrating education, cultural exchange and creativity. We have worked alongside community arts organisation, Kinetika, visiting schools to help them create beautiful flags using images from their school and town. You can read about the both the …

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Volunteering in Ethiopia – A truly memorable experience

By Amy Hearn One of the sponsored families I met accompanying Sitotaw on a home visit I decided to spend some of my gap year to gain some valuable teaching experience by volunteering with Link Ethiopia for 3 months, before going on to study for a post graduate in education which would enable me to …

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Getting creative with UK schools – flag making project

Impington college students making their community flag It’s not every day that students get to engage their creative sides on a project that will be seen around the world. Following our successful flag making project in Gondar, Link Ethiopia in partnership with Kinetika, an community-art organisation, has worked with 10 schools across the UK to …

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Celebrating in style – 20th Anniversary flag day in Gondar

Fasiledes Secondary students joining in the Meskel square celebration In the streets of Gondar people look out of their houses and shops to see a phalanx of singing children coalescing on Meskel square. Each group is carrying a multicoloured 10 foot flag full of images of local life. Looking to mark the 20th anniversary of …

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Together We Learn - Ethiopia