Month: April 2014


Written by Julia Wathen Scott Rice successfully completed his sixth London Marathon this month and we are pleased that he has decided to support the work of Link Ethiopia for the second time. He has raised around £2,250 and we are truly grateful for every penny which will aid children’s education in Ethiopia. Scott is …

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Melkam Fasika for all — Happy Easter Everyone

Written by Julia Wathen Fasika (the Amharic word for Easter) follows the Eastern Orthodox calendar and tends to fall after Easter in the Western calendar. However this year both calendars have aligned and so Easter falls on the same date as the Orthodox and Latin/Protestant celebrations – April 20th 2014. In Ethiopia, Fasika is considered …

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Sports Leadership Training Part 2 – Off to Gondar!

Written by Julia Wathen On 4th March, at Tsadiku Primary School in Gonder, 14 Physical Education teachers from 9 local schools gathered for a Sports Leadership Workshop organised by Link Ethiopia. The one – day workshop was delivered by Link Ethiopia Volunteer, Mike McCarthy and Eyayaw Bayable, from the Link Ethiopia Gondar Office. It was …

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Sports Leadership training for PE teachers in Bishoftu

Written by Julia Wathen A one day course Sports Leadership training for teachers of physical education, was held recently in Bishoftu, organised and sponsored by Link Ethiopia. A shortage of trained PE specialist teachers, limited equipment and facilities have a negative effect on the quality of physical education in Ethiopia. The training has been designed …

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Brackenbury Primary School welcomes Ethiopian guests

Written by David Fricker Through Link Ethiopia the schools – Beza Primary and Secondary School and Brackenbury Primary School – have been building a strong relationship with regular communications since 2012 and thanks to a grant from the British Council have been able visit one another. Following Brackenbury School’s visit to Ethiopia in February, two …

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Together We Learn - Ethiopia