News and updates

Link Ethiopia donates computers

By Tefera Teklu (Photos by Lauren L. Elliott) Link Ethiopia donated used computers to three Technical & Vocational Education & Training Colleges that are found in Maksegnit, Kola Diba and Addis Zemen near Gondar. The colleges received 13 computers each.   The regional Manager, Elsa Kebede, briefed the representatives about Link Ethiopia’s programmes and about the …

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World Challenge Projects Summer 2014

By Hannah Dillon and Tefera Teklu Link Ethiopia’s partnership with World Challenge has cemented with another fruitful year that saw a flurry of construction and painting activities. Cheers to every group of young people who did their part in making sure that access to better education in Ethiopia is fair to all, especially to girls …

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NGO Forum 2015

By Tefera Teklu The 2015 NGO Forum took place last week at the Recreation. Different Charitable Organisations which are based in and around Gondar took part in displaying and discussing their work to Amhara Regional State officials. The officials were then invited for some site visits which included three NGO projects which included Link Ethiopia, …

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Our 2013/2014 Annual Report

Written by Isabel We have just published our Annual Report for 2013/2014 which is available to read here (link). We would like to thank you all for your support over the past year, and hope you continue on the journey with us! Below is a summary of what we have achieved with your help, and …

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Our Annual Report for 2012-2013

Link Ethiopia’s Annual Report for 2012-2013 was published last month and we are really pleased to share it with you. We saw a year of continued growth, with our overall income increasing by 38% and with an increase in the number of schools and young people we were able to support. Thanks to the generosity …

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Link Ethiopia update – February 2013

Our Annual Report for 2011-2012 Welcome to Link Ethiopia’s February 2013 News Update! Our Annual Report for 2011-2012 was recently published and we are really pleased to share it with you in this update. You’ll find a few highlights below and much more information on our website. Also this month we are advertising for architects …

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Our Annual Report for 2011-2012

Link Ethiopia’s Annual Report for 2011-2012 was recently published and we are really pleased to share it with you. During the year we made great strides forward in our work. We undertook a growing range of activities, from delivering improved facilities, resources and teaching to more Ethiopian schools and pupils, to enabling students in different …

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Architects and engineers wanted!

Are you someone with architecture or engineering experience, looking to get involved in international development work? Or do you know someone who is? We are advertising a self-funded placement in Ethiopia to work with us to re-imagine and design our school infrastructure projects. The successful candidate would also get experience working on ‘live’ projects that …

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Link Ethiopia update – December 2012

Welcome to Link Ethiopia’s December 2012 News Update! 2012 has been quite a year for us, both in Ethiopia and internationally. Our projects in schools across the north and south of Ethiopia have expanded and we have so many exciting stories to share. To whet your appetite you can read a few highlights of our …

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Link Ethiopia news update – September 2012

Welcome to our Olympics and Paralympics special news update! What a fun sporting summer we’ve had! Our teams in Ethiopia and in London have been cheering on the Olympic and Paralympic athletes with all our energy over the last month or so. We are now watching the Paralympic closing ceremony and thought this would be …

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Together We Learn - Ethiopia