Link Ethiopia is now called Together We Learn

Link Ethiopia

is now called

Together We Learn

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Link Ethiopia is now called Together We Learn

Global Education

Happy International Literacy Day!

Written by Muna In 1965, UNESCO has proclaimed that September 8th will be marked as International Literacy Day. Today is a day to highlight the importance of literacy to individuals, communities and societies. A day to remind everybody that reading and writing is one of the basic skills every person should and has the right to …

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Should we boost children’s IQ?

Written by Muna Bringing up Britain, a radio show on BBC 4, had a segment yesterday about children’s IQ. The big question was “is possible to boost their IQ?” However, one main theme emerged during the radio show: do not put too much pressure your child to achieve academically well. Marielle Frostrup, the show’s presenter, …

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International Youth Day – Empowering young people

Written by Cecilia The International Youth Day – which takes place on August 12th every year- has been set up by the United Nations (UN) in 2000. Youth is considered the time of life between childhood and adulthood (15-24 years-old). This day has different focuses and aims: 1- Bringing youth issues and needs to the …

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It takes a village to raise a reader!

Written by Cecilia Within the annual International Literacy Day promoted by UNESCO, literacy has always been celebrated as an empowerment tool, a means to reach the main pillars of sustainable development: economic development, social development and environmental protection. Knowledge is power and education empowers to the extent that it enables people to determine their own …

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Beza to Brackenbury

Written by David Fricker, Brackenbury Link Coordinator Another exciting chapter in the Brackenbury-Beza partnership, the visit by the Head and Link Coordinator from Beza to Brackenbury, took place this month! With the partnership established in 2012, Brackenbury Primary School and Beza (Besebarok) Primary and Secondary School have now completed two reciprocal visits, funding by the …

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The regional Reading Bees

by Hannah Dillon To continue with the success of Libraries and Literacy project, we can focus on a big event in the Link Ethiopia calendar: the regional Reading Bees. The idea was to emphasise the fun side of reading, to reward hard-working students and to make sure the project finished with a bang. There were four …

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Success of Libraries and Literacy project

by Hannah Dillon 125 teachers and 46 librarians trained, 736 individual reading tests carried out, hundreds of school visits completed and 31 library certificates awarded. Phew! All this can only mean one thing: this month we are celebrating the successful completion of the second year of our Libraries and Literacy project. The project, which this …

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Tackling the challenge of Child Labour head on

Written by Cecilia The World Day against Child Labour was established by the UN in 2002 to raise awareness and encourage actions about a current global issue: more than 168 million children between the age of 5 and 17 are involved in child labour. What are the causes and the consequences of this sad state of …

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Sustainable development? World Environment Day 2015.

Written by Cecilia “Seven Billion Dreams. One Planet. Consume with care.” Care for the earth, became an agent for change! The main message of this year’s World Environment Day 2015 is improving people’s lives without increasing environmental degradation and without compromising the resource needs of future generations. This message fits in the broader conception according …

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A New Library for Arbatu Ensesa School, Gondar!

Written by Cecilia Link Ethiopia has just finished a project of construction of a brand new library building for Arbatu Ensasa School in Gondar, Northern Ethiopia. The new library replaced the small, ill-equipped older facility at the school, which was very inadequate for keeping up with the demand of the schools and students, and failed to match …

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Together We Learn - Ethiopia