
Mark & Amy Robinson’s Ethiopia Visit

Written by Mark and Amy (Link Ethiopia sponsors and parents to Ben, a volunteer with Link Ethiopia). Our trip to Northern Ethiopia can only be described as a major assault on the senses – in a good way. From the spectacular beauty of the Simien Mountains, to the architectural wonder of the Lalibela churches, this …

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Celebrating in style – 20th Anniversary flag day in Gondar

Fasiledes Secondary students joining in the Meskel square celebration In the streets of Gondar people look out of their houses and shops to see a phalanx of singing children coalescing on Meskel square. Each group is carrying a multicoloured 10 foot flag full of images of local life. Looking to mark the 20th anniversary of …

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Ethiopia: Land of Origins

Written by: Malak Azer The Guardian recently published an article revealing where best to spend your holiday in Ethiopia, a clear testimony to the popularity of the country as a tourist destination. Nevertheless, the ‘Land of Origins’ has not always enjoyed such fame. The tumultuous years of the Derg era- featuring a communist dictatorship, coups, …

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Ethiopia faces its worst drought in 50 years

Written by Malak Maurice. Ethiopia’s last major drought occurred in the early 1980s, with the UN estimating the death toll to have been a figure close to 1 million people. Now, once again, due to the El Nino ocean-warming weather conditions, an estimated 10.2 Ethiopians are in need of food aid. The Kiremt rains usually …

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Entrepreneurs in Ethiopia

Written by Muna Ethiopia is becoming a land of business opportunities. There have been reports of many big hotel chains opening new branches in Ethiopia. It is confirmed that the Hilton Hotel will open in 2020 in Awassa, one of the fastest growing cities. Thanks to the new infrastructure, not only will the Ethiopian hospitality …

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International Day of the Girl

Written by Ben Today is International Day of the Girl, and this year’s theme is adolescent girls. In 2000, the UN set the Millennium Development Goals, which expire this year, and 1 of the 8 goals was to ‘Eliminate gender disparity in primary and secondary education, preferably by 2005, and in all levels of education …

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Circus show raises more than $1000 for girl’s education!

Link Ethiopia is partnered with SponsorHer!, a social fundraising platform connecting girls in Ethiopia with sponsors all over the world and leveraging the potential of expatriates and tourists. We are always happy to be work with people who are just as passionate about education in Ethiopia as we are. With the help of Fekat Circus, …

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Victory goes to The Wolves!

Written by Muna You may have seen it on our Facebook page already this week, but we are pleased to announce that the Wolves won the Gondar Under-17s Cup Tournament! After battling through the group stages, quarters and semi-finals against colourfully named teams like ‘Fuad Grocery’ and ‘Medhanealem’, they tenaciously won the final against their rivals …

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Ethiopia’s helping hand during refugee crisis

Written by Muna Many refugees from Eritrea and South-Sudan try to flee to neighbouring countries for safety. Ethiopia and Kenya are some of the largest recipients of refugee’s in the world – a fact not that well known here in the West. But where do the refugees come from and what are they fleeing from? …

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What is the difference between a ‘refugee’ and a ‘migrant’?

Written by Muna Europe is dealing with a major refugee crisis – the largest since World War Two. Many refugees are fleeing their countries to find sanctuary in European countries. More than 300,000 people have risked their lives to cross the Mediterranean Sea so far this year and over 2,600 haven’t survived the dangerous crossing. …

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Together We Learn - Ethiopia