
Solar Powered at Tokumma School!

Tokumma Elementary School is located in West Shoa zone of Oromia Regional State in Ethiopia. The school’s catchment area is about 35 km2 with a population of about 3,000. The source of income in the area is largely traditional farming and animal rearing. The area does not have proper modern infrastructure including road, electricity, potable water and health facility. …

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A busy summer: World Challenge and Geographical Association visits

  This year’s summer has been, and will be, the busiest so far for the Link Ethiopia Gondar, Bishoftu and Bahir Dar offices! Our Gondar office has already hosted over 30 visitors from two World Challenge Groups refurbishing classrooms at Felege Abyot School in Gondar. Here’s the photo of the 1st Group being welcomed by …

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Priory School welcomes Kedir & brings Ethiopia to Lewes

After hosting the lovely Christina Lynn in Bishoftu last year, it was now the turn for Ude School’s Link Coordiantor Kedir Tefera to visit Priory School. Kedir just spent a fantastic week in Lewes, presenting a project the two schools had been working on over the past year and visiting new places in and around …

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Summer Camps 2013 with Pembroke College (University of Cambridge)

Link Ethiopia, together with Pembroke College (University of Cambridge), will be running for the first time a number of Summer Camps at various locations in Ethiopia. This is an exciting venture for us with the Cambridge University students who have pledged their commitment to volunteer their services to continue in providing quality education to our …

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Haile visits the UK

Last month our team in London had the great pleasure of welcoming Haile, our Regional Manager for Southern Ethiopia. We were quite excited as he was the first member of our Southern Ethiopia team to visit the UK. During his three-weeks stay Haile embarked upon a mega tour of the country to visit some of …

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Calum returns from Ethiopia!

From Calum: “On arrival to the country, my first consideration was to how incredible the vibe was. The people were extremely friendly, and despite me spending my two weeks waltzing around with a new sets of footballs down the main high street, the request to have one soon subsided once the locals realised I was …

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Join us in the Great Ethiopian Run 2013!

On Sunday 24th November this year, tens of thousands of runners will take to the roads of Addis Ababa again for the greatest African road race. Last year saw over 36,000 people take part, including both elite runners and fun runners from around the world, and this year is expected to be even bigger…and noisier! …

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£1,000 Raised for Chuahit No.1 Elementary School!

Massive thanks are in order to the pupils, teachers and parents of Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Primary School, Leeds, who raised over £1,000 for their link school, Chuahit No.1 Elementary School. The money was spent providing the school with much needed library books, including chemistry, English and physics text books. A printer for administrative use …

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Hilden Charitable Fund Scores Again!

Hello again from the Projects and Fundraising Team here at Link Ethiopia! Last year, in ‘Sowing the seeds for future Ethiopian Olympians’ we told you about the fantastic partnership between The Hilden Charitable Trust Fund and Link Ethiopia – aiming to improve schools and pupils’ educational performance through sport. The Hilden Trust funded the successful Sports …

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Dagoma Elementary Get Their Books!

Welcome to the Link Ethiopia Projects Blog! We are really excited here at Link Ethiopia to be able to tell you about a recent project that was completed at Dagoma Elementary School, located on the outskirts of the small farming village and community of Dagoma. Over 1,700 pupils attend the school, which has only 16 classrooms. A lack of finances …

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Together We Learn - Ethiopia