Month: July 2019

Could you help a girl through University?

Off to University… Meselu is a 19 year old from Gondar and she has just finished her Grade 12 exams. She is waiting to find out if she has been accepted into Bahir Dar University. Mesulu wants to study economics: “I want to understand the reasons behind Ethiopia’s rising and falling economy and find a …

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Providing Quality Early Learning in Saina Sabia

Saina Sabia, is a rural village in Gondar without kindergarten facilities. Currently, pre-primary aged children are being taught alongside older students in crowded classrooms, without adequate facilities and resources. We have been working in partnership with the Corvallis Sister Cities Association-Gondar (CSCA-G), with funding from the US Embassy in Ethiopia, to develop a model early-childhood education …

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Together We Learn - Ethiopia