Could you help a girl through University?

Off to University…

Meselu is a 19 year old from Gondar and she has just finished her Grade 12 exams. She is waiting to find out if she has been accepted into Bahir Dar University.

Mesulu wants to study economics: “I want to understand the reasons behind Ethiopia’s rising and falling economy and find a solution to Ethiopia’s economic situation.”

Yezibalem has also finished her Grade 12 exams and is waiting to find out if she has been accepted into Gondar University.

Yezibalem hopes to study veterinary science at university so she can work as a veterinary pharmacist alongside her brother, who is currently studying to become a vet.

We hope!

These girls are currently sponsored by SponsorHer, an organisation based in Addis Ababa who aim to increase secondary school enrolment for Ethiopian girls by partnering with local organisations, like us! However, the SponsorHer programme only supports girls through secondary school and so we are looking for new sponsors to enable the girls to continue their education at university.

There are 5 girls currently in need of sponsorship. Like Meselu and Yezibalem, they have all completed Grade 12 and have high hopes of joining university this September.

Could you sponsor a girl through university?

Unlike most of our sponsorships, these girls have already completed primary and secondary education, which means these will be short term sponsorships to support the girls through university. Most university degrees take 3-5 years, after which the girls will be in an excellent to position to find employment.

Sponsorship costs just £19 a month. Your sponsorship would provide financial support, helping the girls and their families with household costs such as rent, food and water while at university. The sponsorship would also fund their university resources, such as textbooks and stationary, as well as cover household medical care while the girls continue their education.

Your sponsorship would mean a girl can attend university, access better opportunities and achieve her aspirations.

If you, or someone you know, would like to support these girls through sponsorship, please get in touch at [email protected]. ​

Together We Learn - Ethiopia