Month: July 2014

What the Builders Saw…. Our New Library Building In Arbatu Ensesa

Written by Rory Dillon “A fly on the wall view of our new library building emerging from the ground at Arbatu Ensesa School. It is constructed of using traditional methods which are cost-effective … and fascinating to watch! Arbatu Ensesa is an elementary school with over 700 students based in North Gondar. The students and …

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First Impressions of Gondar

Written by Emily Gretland “Enjoying an overdue breakfast on the small plane from Addis to Gondar, I peer out the window as we descend and glimpse my first view of this beautiful country. The vibrant shades of green are arranged in checkerboard patterns across the land and provide a lush coating on the mountains. It’s …

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Creative learning for Grovelands Primary School

Written by Julia Wathen The children at Grovelands Primary School get creative learning about Ethiopia – from cooking traditional Ethiopia food to decorating bags using African Patterns. The children successfully made ‘injera’ – Ethiopia’s ubiquitous sourdough flatbread – and a lentil curry and even managed to raise some funds for their link school, Adama No.5, …

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School gets creative for the Barefoot Billion Campaign!

Written by Julia The British performance poet Philip Wells – also known as ‘The Fire Poet’ – is currently undertaking a 1,000 mile barefoot walk. The ‘Barefoot Billion’ challenge is to raise both awareness and funds for children around the world living in poverty. Schools around the world have been asked to get involved in …

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Link Ethiopia gains first prize!

Written by Elsa Celebrations for Link Ethiopia after we scooped 1st prize at an award ceremony last week. The annual event, organised by Gondar City Administration, and which is held at the Gondar Cinema Hall, recognises the hard work of non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and individuals who support educational projects in the region. Out of eight …

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‘Today’s Youth’ on work experience with Link Ethiopia

Written by Laurence Last week we had two fantastic work experience volunteers from our Link schools working with us – PJ from Dr. Challoner’s Grammar School and Frances from Headington School. They both worked really hard to make the most of their time with us, and were a real asset to us as well as …

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Together We Learn - Ethiopia