Month: November 2012

Yeshialem visits Colegrave!

Yeshialem, the Link at Derera Elementary in Ethiopia, recently spent a week at Colegrave Primary school where she became fully involved in an action packed week. This visit was funded by the British Council Connecting Classrooms Grant for reciprocal visits. The week started with a welcome ceremony where students at Colegrave dressed up in traditional Ethiopian …

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Addis Makes Lonely Planet’s Top 10 Cities for 2013!

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia’s wonderful capital city, has made it into the annual Lonely Planet Guide’s Top 10 Cities in the World list for the first time! As the diplomatic capital of Africa, and one of the continents, not to mention the world’s, most exciting and thriving metropolis’, Addis is a natural choice for the list. And for …

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After the Shipment: Tana Haik IT Centre

Following Link Ethiopia’s shipment of computer equipment to Ethiopia in July 2010, we are really pleased to see that the IT centre set up with the donated equipment is proving very popular! The growing demand for IT skills in Ethiopia’s job market means that getting access to computers, the internet and other ICT means that …

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Halliford School: Visit to Edget Feleg Secondary

Teachers from Halliford Secondary School in Middlesex recently completed an exciting trip to their link school, Edget Feleg Secondary School in Gondar, Northern Ethiopia. They visited their counterparts in preparation for a visit from students due to take place in 2013! They toured the school, met the teachers and pupils and begun to draft the educational activities …

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Tannery Drift First School: Helpful Harvest!

At one of our new linked schools,  Tannery Drift in Hertfordshire, they certainly wasted no time in making the most of the opportunities afforded by their link with Selam Elementary in Northern Ethiopia. After introducing the project to the pupils and parents at the school, a great fundraising and learning opportunity appeared – the annual …

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Maksegnit Water Taps!

Maksegnit 2 Elementary School now has a fully operational water tap system. A big Thank You! the Students and Teachers at West London Academy Primary School for their generous help and donations. We could not have done it without you. Here is what your help has enabled us to achieve: [photonic-smugmug-import type=’smugmug’ view=’images’ album=’8TKxnP’ layout=’random’]

Tablets Enable Learning in Ethiopian Villages

The One Laptop Per Child organisation recently tried an experiment, where they dropped off a number of tablet PCs in two remote Ethiopian villages. The aim was to see if children with no previous experience of the written word and literacy, and in an area far from any schools and teachers, could begin to teach …

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Together We Learn - Ethiopia