Month: May 2012

Queniborough CE Primary School are Expecting Ethiopian Visitors

Queniborough CE Primary School are eagerly awaiting the arrival of school director Ato Mulugeta and teacher Abundeje from Ethiopia to celebrate their school link in an outdoor ‘thanks giving’ assembly next Tuesday 29th May. The assembly will be held under a piece of artwork which was a joint project between the two schools.  Their link …

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Christina’s visit to Ude School, Bishoftu

During these past Easter holidays Christina Lynn, Link Coordinator at Priory School in Lewes, flew to Addis Ababa and drove down to Bishoftu to visit her Link School Ude. She was truly excited and looking forward to finally be in Ethiopia and meet the people she had been working so closely with for the past …

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Donkey becomes a vehicle of knowledge!

A generous donation from one of our long-term supporters has helped us start up a new donkey library in Dembia Zuria, south of Gondar town. The donkey and the librarian are taking books to 6 rural satellite schools, reaching more than 4,000 children.

Ethiopian & UK Sporting Heroes!

As the world looks forward to the 2012 Olympic Games in London in July, this was the perfect opportunity for the students to celebrate some world-beating Ethiopian athletes, and tell their English friends about Ethiopia’s great sporting history. The students worked in groups to describe some of their sporting heroes, profiling seven Ethiopian greats, and …

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Water brings new life to Dukem students!

  It was exciting to see Dukem 2 Elementary students queuing up to use the new water facility we recently built with our long term partners – World Challenge! Jumeriah College students worked with the local community to finish off this thirst-quenching project.  

New Global Wallplanner for 2012-13 school year available to pre-order

A new Global Wallplanner for the 2012-13 school year will be distributed free in the Times Educational Supplement next Friday 11th May. Go to to find out more, and to pre-order a copy or a bulk supply cost-free (UK addresses only). The planner has been produced with support from UKAid, the British Council and Practical Action. …

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New Global Teachers Award

Perhaps some of you might be interested in this training opportunity? Monday 9th July 2012   9.30am to 5.00pm Institute of Education, London This new national award supports teachers in developing skills, confidence and practical approaches to global learning in their schools, promoting informed, active global citizenship with pupils. To book, click here . For …

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Together We Learn - Ethiopia