Month: March 2011


Ethiopia has, at this moment, only one railway, stretching from Lagare in Addis Ababa to Djibouti. But this has fallen into disuse in recent years and the Ethiopian Government is very much considering the building of new railways in order to improve the country’s transportation infrastructure. Civil engineering and design work is being undertaken to …

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Reinwood’s Ethiopia Day

Reinwood Primary School, linked with Adama 2 Elementary in Southern Ethiopia, recently held an Ethiopia day. Pupils learnt about clean water issues in Ethiopia and used ICT to design newspaper articles on the subject, reworked a traditional African fable, the Marriage of the Mouse and the Hare, and learnt about the effects of malaria around …

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Teachers from Dr. Challoner’s Grammar School visit Fasiledes Secondary

In February Christopher Savvides and Gareth Cadman visited Fasiledes Secondary School, with whom Dr. Challoner’s Grammar School has been linked for over 15 years. The visit was funded by the Specialist Schools and Academies Trust TIPD visit funding scheme. Chris and Gareth were warmly welcomed by the student Link Club with a traditional coffee ceremony …

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Together We Learn - Ethiopia