Month: February 2011

News update: February 2011

Welcome to our January & February 2011 news update As a new year begins, a past year of progress and accomplishment fades into the background, while another set of exciting challenges rises up for the future. What a fine life we have here at Link Ethiopia! Let us first wish all of you a happy …

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Africa’s lone wolf: New species found in Ethiopia

Genetic evidence shows that ‘Egyptian jackal’ isn’t really a jackal at all. During a field expedition to Ethiopia, a team of scientists noticed something odd: The golden jackals there looked more slender with a whiter coat than they do elsewhere. Now, genetic analyses suggest these oddities are not jackals at all but instead more closely …

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Volunteering update

Link Ethiopia’s volunteering scheme has developed apace in recent months and we have had an excellent take-up of the programme from people of all ages who want to spend some time in Ethiopia helping youngsters to improve their English Communication Skills and generally supporting the community and experiencing Ethiopian culture at first hand. Volunteers usually …

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Laneshaw Bridge and Atse Bekafa exchange stories and books of playtime games

Laneshaw Bridge Primary School has been linked with Atse Bekafa Elementary, an urban primary school in Gondar, Ethiopia since 2009. The past year has seen a real growth in their partnership. The two schools initially exchanged drawings about their local environments, allowing children at both schools to see how similar, in many cases, their surroundings …

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Sports work in Gondar

Our thanks go to Klaus Blessing and Marcus Scherer who recently worked with Link Ethiopia to construct robust sports equipment for schools in the Gondar region of Ethiopia. Our work with Klaus began in 2009 when he visited Ethiopia and saw the lack of sporting equipment for himself. We agreed to work together to try …

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Together We Learn - Ethiopia