Month: May 2010

Lake Tana

In the north of Ethiopia, high on the plateau at nearly 1800 metres above sea-level, lies the wondrous Lake Tana, source of the Blue Nile, site of a number of ancient island monasteries and home to numerous varieties of exotic bird- and plant-life, as well as crocodiles and hippopotamuses in plenty. This huge lake, visible …

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Training Opportunities

Explore solutions to climate change, global poverty and biodiversity loss with CAT Education CAT offers day and residential visits with a diverse range of practical and theoretical tuition sessions which can be adapted to meet all educational needs. Students have the opportunity to engage with their energy future, expanding their understanding of energy sources and …

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While a number of countries in the world are keeping an eye on a certain football competition, there is another much more long-term competition that is a major focus for anthropologists at the moment. While the skeleton of ‘Lucy’, the petite Ethiopian lady now 3.2 million years old whom Ethiopians call Dinkenesh, is still touring …

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Together We Learn - Ethiopia