Together We Learn’s Spring Newsletter, May 2021
Our latest newsletter is out and available to read here:
In Ethiopia children have returned to school for their second semester. Our school projects are progressing well and plans for next years’ projects are underway.
As we complete our review of the last financial year, a period where activities across the UK and Ethiopia were affected by coronavirus lockdowns, we are glad that we have been able to maintain our support for schools and families. We have had to manage funds carefully and achieve more with less staff time under new and changing circumstances. We are glad that we have been able to respond quickly to new needs of families, pick up projects as soon as schools re-opened and ensure families still received support throughout.
This newsletter covers:
- Coronavirus In Ethiopia
- Phonics Training Extends to Teacher Training Colleges
- Mid-Year Review at Gendit School
- Books for Fun and Learning
- Ethiopian British Pupil Writes Children’s Book
- Support Our Work