Annual Review 2023

Together We Learn’s Annual Report for 2022-23

Our Annual Review is out, click here to read and download it.

The Year in Numbers:

  • 40,000 students reached through teacher training
  • 560 pupils benefitting from new school facilities
  • 445 students sponsored through education
  • 324 girls received menstrual hygiene materials
  • 66 students accessed higher education
  • 48 schools participated in global linking and learning

This Annual Review covers activities from April 2022 to August 2023, marking an exceptional 17-month period as we adjust our reporting to align with the academic year.

Despite challenges, including ongoing conflict in the Amhara region, we continue to adapt and deliver our programmes, ensuring students have continued access to support and resources while prioritising their safety. We remain focused on building the capacity of our Ethiopian partner to be more locally-led and on improving our programme delivery by emphasising student feedback and evidence-based enhancements.

As ever, we are grateful for your continued support.

Together We Learn - Ethiopia