Dagoma Elementary Get Their Books!

Welcome to the Link Ethiopia Projects Blog! We are really excited here at Link Ethiopia to be able to tell you about a recent project that was completed at Dagoma Elementary School, located on the outskirts of the small farming village and community of Dagoma.

DSCF9464Over 1,700 pupils attend the school, which has only 16 classrooms. A lack of finances and space led to a poor learning environment for the children.  Our wish was to provide better furniture, and a wider selection of books to increase the learning potential of the pupils within the library at Dagoma Elementary School. This is where Bulphan Primary School and Brocklewood Junior School and their fantastic fundraising stepped in!


Together, the schools raised over £700. This was used to purchase new books, including more specialised and diverse reading such as biology and mathematics text books. New furniture for the library was also provided,  aiming to create a more effective and stable learning environment.


Dagoma Elementary is just one success story – there are many more schools in Ethiopia that could benefit from your help! Please visit our Projects page for more information, or Donate now!

Thanks for reading, and until next time!

Fundraising and Projects Team

[email protected]


Together We Learn - Ethiopia