Halliford School: Visit to Edget Feleg Secondary

Teachers from Halliford Secondary School in Middlesex recently completed an exciting trip to their link school, Edget Feleg Secondary School in Gondar, Northern Ethiopia. They visited their counterparts in preparation for a visit from students due to take place in 2013! They toured the school, met the teachers and pupils and begun to draft the educational activities and adventures that their students would enjoy when they make the trip to Gondar.

They also toured the country, visiting some of the most interesting historical sites Ethiopia has to offer, and had a brilliant time experiencing Ethiopia, its culture and people – sure to give them a wealth of ideas from which to draw upon for lessons and activities once back in the UK and back to school.

I’m sure the pupils at Halliford School cannot wait for their chance to visit Ethiopia and meet their fellow students at Edget Feleg Secondary, and get out and experience the incredible wealth of history and culture Ethiopia has to offer. And I’m sure their teachers can’t wait either!

If you think visiting Ethiopia, to experience its rich culture & history first-hand, is something that you would be interested in, you can find some detailed information on the tours that Link Ethiopia runs here. These tours are a great introduction to the country, and offer an incredible experience that can’t be found elsewhere. And, even better, all proceeds go directly to the great work we do in the country! For more information, or to discuss our tours further, visit the tours page at the link above, or contact our Chief Executive matt Stockdale at [email protected].

Together We Learn - Ethiopia