Addis Makes Lonely Planet’s Top 10 Cities for 2013!

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia’s wonderful capital city, has made it into the annual Lonely Planet Guide’s Top 10 Cities in the World list for the first time!

As the diplomatic capital of Africa, and one of the continents, not to mention the world’s, most exciting and thriving metropolis’, Addis is a natural choice for the list. And for travellers interesting in seeking out vibrant and beguiling destinations, and one’s off the beaten track, it is a choice that really is difficult to beat.

If you’re interested in visiting this beautiful city, and travelling through the ancient and welcoming country of Ethiopia, head over to our Tours page for ideas and inspiration. You can get in touch with chris[at] if you’re interested in an intimate, inspiring and unique trip that makes a substantial contribution to the brilliant work we do at Link Ethiopia. You can also learn more about Addis and Ethiopia’s history here.

[Man balancing twenty foam mattresses on his head through streets central market. Getty Images/Todd Lawson]
Together We Learn - Ethiopia