After the Shipment: Tana Haik IT Centre

Following Link Ethiopia’s shipment of computer equipment to Ethiopia in July 2010, we are really pleased to see that the IT centre set up with the donated equipment is proving very popular!

The growing demand for IT skills in Ethiopia’s job market means that getting access to computers, the internet and other ICT means that an IT centre such as the one being utilised by the pupils and teachers at Tana Haik, are a very important part of learning and preparing for the world beyond education.

After setting up the computer equipment brought by Link Ethiopia, Tana Haik went one better and, together with financial support from one of their alumni, were able to get the IT centre networked and connected to the internet! This gives them a great opportunity to connect with the web and make use of its incredible potential.

We are currently preparing to ship another container of computer equipment to Ethiopia, in a joint project with Aysanew Kassa Trust, so more schools will be able to make use of such equipment in the near future!

If you would like to know more about our work with technology and education, you can read about our projects here. If you would like to support Link Ethiopia’s continuing work towards improving access to quality education, you can donate towards projects such as these here, or by contacting matt[at]

Together We Learn - Ethiopia