Link Ethiopia donates computers

By Tefera Teklu (Photos by Lauren L. Elliott)

Link Ethiopia donated used computers to three Technical & Vocational Education & Training Colleges that are found in Maksegnit, Kola Diba and Addis Zemen near Gondar. The colleges received 13 computers each.

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The regional Manager, Elsa Kebede, briefed the representatives about Link Ethiopia’s programmes and about the computers.

I am delighted that Link Ethiopia is able to support your college with these resources and I am sure you will be able to make effective and valuable use of them to benefit your students.

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Getting the computers ready and loading them for the journey to their new homes!

The officials, IT teachers and store managers who were present expressed their deepest gratitude and added that their students didn’t have access to such kinds of resources to tinker with to gain practical lessons.

Together We Learn - Ethiopia